Making Almond Milk
I’m going to show you how I make almond milk using the the Almond Milk Bag by O-So Better Bags™.
But first, why make almond milk at all?
Almond milk is one of one of the most nutritionally valuable milk replacements offered today. It is rich in a number of minerals and vitamins, including vitamin E, manganese, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, selenium, iron, fiber, zinc and also, believe it or not, calcium.
Almond milk is reduced in calories, at just 40 calories per 8 oz offering, and reduced in fat. It has just three grams of fat per cup (the same as 2% milk). And some more popular features are that almond milk is lactose, gluten, casein and cholesterol free; it’s also free of saturated fats. It is vegan and Paleo approved too!
But maybe you know all that because you are after all reading this article!

These bags are ones I made myself before launching O-So Better Bags.
So, here’s how to make almond milk in our O-So Better Nut Milk Bag.
You’ll just need two ingredients:
1 cup of almonds (organic and raw recommended)
3-4 cups of water
In a large bowl soak nuts with plenty of water overnight (for 8-12 hours recommended).
Strain and rinse the wet nuts in a colander then put the nuts to the blender and chop them up nice and fine.

The no seam bottom makes for faster, clog-free straining.
Then add ½ the water to the blender and process until smooth and creamy. Then you can add as much water as you want to desired thickness.
Hold your bag over a bowl (preferably with a pour spout to later put the almond milk in a cup or jar). Pour the mixture into your O-So Better Nut Milk Bag and wrap the bag closed with the attached elastic loop enough times to make a tight closure.
Tip: You can slip the attached elastic loop over your thumb to help keep the bag from dropping into the bowl as you pour in the almond mixture.
Our bag has a no bottom seam so the milk should drain easily but feel free to give it a squeeze.
The milk is left in the bowl. Pour into cups and serve with a garnish if you like or store milk in a glass jar for up to 5 days in the refrigerator. As in all things natural, separation SHOULD occur so just shake before you pour.
Fun Option: You can add a tablespoon of coconut butter for added sweetness and thickness. Choose organic and don’t worry, it’s lactose free! Stir or shake to mix it in.
Don’t discard your almond pulp! There are some great recipes for that too and we’ll be sharing some with you here. So come back soon, or subscribe to our updates here.
Just drink and enjoy. Even the kids will love it!
Happy Living!